6 Effective Strategies to Attract and Keep Top Insurance Agents

Insurance Industry


Including top-ranking insurance agents on your team is a priority for most agencies. The job market is very competitive. Finding promising young agents is fairly easy. Keeping them, on the other hand, can be a challenge. You must provide new hires with long-term incentives to make them want to stay with your agency instead of looking for more benefits elsewhere.

  1. Demonstrate a Higher Social Purpose

    New hires, especially millennials, want to work for a company with a defined purpose beyond profits. They want to know that their work is essential to the world around them. When starting the hiring process, let them know the positive impact they will have on the company and its purpose for a brighter future.

  2. Establish a Strong Brand

    Establish a strong brand. Building a strong brand is more than just making your company more visible. It also means creating the brand’s reputation as well. If your brand is strong, customers consider the company reputable. It has a solid foundation built on quality, integrity, and respect. Working for a company with a strong brand allows the agent to develop their career on that same foundation.

  3. Emphasize Diversity and Inclusion

    Millennials will often choose a company that prioritizes diversity and inclusion. Different perspectives can be used when it comes to having a diverse workforce. Bringing people together from all backgrounds and cultures fuels a sense of unity and can boost performance. Enhances the quality of work being produced.

  4. Flexible Work Environment

    Working a traditional nine-to-five shift is less appealing than in the past. Since COVID opened the door to remote working opportunities, more and more people are demanding a flexible, more relaxed work environment. This allows them to maintain a healthier work/life balance and minimize the time wasted during long commutes to and from work.

  5. Offer Professional Development Opportunities

    Most new hires want opportunities for advancement within the company. By providing professional development opportunities like continuing education programs, tuition reimbursement, and mentoring programs, an agency will be better able to retain its top agents for extended periods. This also builds a more cohesive bond between workers who want to move forward with people they trust.

  6. Encourage Digital Transformation

    Young hires who are native to the digital world want to work with a company that is tech-savvy and has introduced the latest technological advancements for maximum efficiency. They want to be able to work on the go and make the most of each opportunity. We are living in the digital age. New agents raised in this environment are more likely to utilize as many digital processes as possible to make their work environment and home life easier.

Contact Freedom & Faith Agency for the Best Coverage

Retaining a skilled workforce is crucial for business success. At Freedom & Faith Agency, we specialize in helping you keep your top talent. Our experienced agents can provide expert advice on crafting enticing incentive packages that will attract and retain the best industry professionals. With years of experience, we offer reliable insights to ensure your workforce remains strong and committed, contributing to your company’s growth and prosperity. Contact us today to unlock the secrets of workforce retention success.